
Dardur Gynecology

       Are you considering an obgyn ? Here are some things to consider when making your choice. An obgyn is a doctor who specializes in obstetrics and gynecology. They can provide you with care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. They can also help you with issues related to your reproductive health. Not all doctors are obgyns, so if you're looking for specialized care, be sure to see one. Obgyns typically have more training than other physicians, so they can provide you with the best possible care. While it might seem like a doctor's advanced training and experience make them qualified to handle any obstetric or gynecologic issue, there are many types of doctors who specialize in women's health. If you're pregnant and considering providers for prenatal care, labor and delivery services, and/or postpartum care аnd delivery be sure that your doctor is an obgyn . Not all doctors who deliver babies are obgyns (though the majority of them are). If y